2Let X= (x n) be a sequence of positive real numbers such that lim x n1 x n = L>1 Show that Xis not a bounded sequence and hence is not convergent Solution Since lim x n1 xn = L, given >0, there exists N2N such that x n1 xn L L = r, where r>1 for su ciently small Therefore, forLive Streaming The most reliable way to stream video Get started Annotations for §87 and Ch8 For an expansion for γ ( a, i x) in series of Bessel functions J n ( x) that converges rapidly when a > 0 and x ( ≥ 0) is small or moderate in magnitude see Barakat ( 1961) V E H I C U L O E L E C T R I C O C O N B R A Z O S N E U M A T I C O S nX^[ L"N} ©í¢¢